F.A.Q Section

Frequently Asked Questions

If Questions Not Answered Then Contact Us

  1. How To Download Files From This Website?
  2. How To Listen To Audio Files?
  3. Why Am I Getting An Advertisement When I Click On The Download Link?
  4. How Do You Monetize This Website?
  5. Is all the stuff on this website free?
  6. Do i have to pay to download anything?
  7. Are these copyrighted files?
  8. Do you have copyright rights?
  9. Are you affiliated with anyone?
  10. Why are you showing Advertisements on an religious site?
  11. What Language is this site in? I can't Understand the file names!
  12. Who are you people?
  13. Does the file have virus in them?
  14. Where do you host the Audio/Video Files?
  15. Can i Copy the files to my Blog/Website?
  16. Will i get in trouble with Adsense if i share these files on my own website?


Answer#1:- Just click on the given link and when the 5 second advertisement finishes then click on the "Skip Ad Button" on the Right Top Corner of the Screen and you will redirected to the file.Next Click on the download file button.

Answer#2:- The Player with the audio file is also on the page that contains the audio files. Some audio files are only downloadable and cannot be listened...

Answer#3:- Because the website is monetizing from an advertisement agency.We try to keep and maintain the website by showing little ads with the help of helping website. The ad is only 5 seconds and it don't bother anyone. Adsense rules are very strict for Publishers and their websites so i use a better solution than Adsense. If you too wanna earn from your website too you can Join Here Or click on the banner to join. There is no requirements to join and everybody is welcome to join. Even if you don't have a website or blog you can earn from Facebook or other social websites:-

Answer#4:- Well currently i am using Adfly and chikita if you wanna monetize your website then you can join for fee Adf.ly Here or Chikita by clicking the banner below.

Answer#5:- Yeah its totally free. I am thinking of adding an affilitate shop on the site to monetize and sell Islamic Goods. Will update if this is done But all the other items are free and you don't have to pay.

Answer#6:- No. You will never have to pay to download!

Answer#7:- There is no copyrighted file on this site and these files are not copyrighted. This is an Islamic website and all the contents are submitted because of earn some good points from Allah. If there is a single file that is copyrighted then Contact Us.

Answer#8:- There is no copyrighted content on this website.

Answer#9:- No we are not affiliated with anyone.

Answer#10:- To monetize this website and to get this website working without donations.

Answer#11:- All the website is in English. The files you can't understand are in Urdu and the section is separated from English files.

Answer#12:- We are humans like you and we love the humanity like you and we don't promote any kind of violence or hatred among Humans and Religions.

Answer#13:- The files are hosted on MediaFire which is the safest file host on this planet. All the files are checked for viruses when uploaded or downloaded so they are pretty much safe!

Answer#14:- Currently i am using Mediafire because they are the best and they also scan all files for viruses and they are most trusted! They don't delete inactive files and they definitely don't spam or charge a cent! if you want you can Join Here

Answer#15:- Yes, Yes you can and we will get the Good in the after life for these files because of Sawab-E-Jaria

Answer#16:- Yes, Because you don't own copyrighted rights to these files and you will have to host these files on their service. Aka Youtube so yeah you will probably get yourself banned! Stick with the publishers i told you and they are the best in the world.